Are you confusing dreams with goals?

Every so often you should ask yourself:

Am I confusing my dreams with my goals?

To answer this important question lets consider some simplified definitions:

A dream is an imagined vision you have of yourself at some point in the future. "I dream of owning a house" or "I dream of graduating University" or "I dream of walking on the Great Wall of China one day."

But to reach those broad dreams, you need to take actions - each individual goal is a single step, that can be measured, taking your closer to your dream.

So when you reflect on your goals you'll want to make sure they are:

  • actionable, not vague
  • achievable in a reasonable time frame
  • measurable - how close are you to finishing one goal?

Once you have a better sense of this distinction you can continue dreaming, but ensure you have specific goals to make those dreams come true.
Asked by: an unknown sage

All questions with these tags: Honesty - Assumptions - Priorities

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(Image from Ludlow Well face :: seemsArtless )

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