What one thing in life holds you back? (video)

Here’s a good, basic question:

What one thing in life
holds you back?
     - (QQ53384)

There are lots of obvious answers that come to mind - responsibilities, kids, car payments, the mortgage, family and friend’s expectations... lack of cash, fear of failure, lack of opportunities, fear of change, fear of the unknown...

But this is a perfect place to apply the notion of the five-why’s to go beyond these easy answers to shed some light on the more fundamental issues of what is truly holding you back. Why are your friend’s expectations so important? Or is it deeper than that? What assumptions have you already made about how your friends will react to your possible ‘failures?’ Is that really what is holding you back?

Here’s the “What’s Stopping You?” video that got me thinking about this. I really like the looks on people’s faces as they are challenged to answer the question.

? > !! - QB82104

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